"El golpe avisa" is a saying in Venezuela, it means "when you hit it, you'll know." It is used when parallel parking and it sort of says that you can reverse carefully and you will know you can't go any further once you hit.
I try (as much as a mother can) to not be overprotective with Little. I want her to learn her boundaries and to learn she has to be careful. I figure if I am always there protecting her every second, how will she know how far she can go when I am not there?
This is not to say I leave her alone and let her jump out of everything or I leave her climbing alone in the playground, but I try to give her space and I guide her verbally as much as possible. And when I know she could really get hurt, I step in, so far it has worked out well.
She knows what "Cuidado" (careful) means, when she hears me say it, she immediately slows down.
This morning she was riding her lion and got a not so brilliant idea.
I warned her this could end badly |
And it did! |
She cried for a few seconds. I consoled her and then she was fine.
From the hit she learned that the specific game she had invented was not a wise choice. She has not attempted to stand on the lion again.
Funny enough immediately after, she went on a self-imposed time out in her pack and play.