Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Weee" Time

Little had a blast with all her buddies
What a gorgeous morning!
We joined a group of fun ladies (and their toddlers) for a playdate at the playground.

Walking up the slide

Last week all Little wanted to do was walk up the slide.  

She now has it figured out!
1st: Up the stairs
2nd: Sit
3rd: Down the slide
I was pretty impressed that she was
comfortable going up these stairs
Everything that goes up, must come down
Every time Little goes down the slide, I say "Weee." Now she knows I will say it, so she says it herself. She has started related having fun with "Weee" and now whenever she is having fun she says "Weee" (even if she is not on the slide.)
As part of the playdate we received
 Method samples and coupons :)

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