Friday, May 6, 2011

As goodbyes go...

As goodbyes go, is there ever an easy one?

Impermanence is a certainty of life and although the brain understands the concept well, sometimes the heart has a hard time accepting it.

We'll dedicate our post today to the memory of our beloved Chiqui, Little's great grandmother. 

She was funny, straightforward  and wise. She was an incredibly strong woman who lived a long, full and healthy life. She leaves behind five children, eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Little got to meet her last year and I am grateful for such an cherished memory. Today, I showed Little her picture and she pointed her in the picture and said "Chichi"... It warmed my heart.

In the future when I show her Chiqui in photos, I will be able to remind Little of a few of the principles her great grandmother believed in, including her devotion to family, her incredible dedication to hard work and independence, and her beautiful patience and calmness.

We are far from my family and don't get to say goodbye in person, so with photos we remember her...
"Even death is not to be feared by 
one who has lived wisely."
Siddhartha Gautama

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