Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Thank you marketers of the world for creating holidays that promote consumerism; mother's day can be entered into such category. I find it troublesome that we have to rely in society to give us a day to dedicate to mothers. In truth every day should be mother's day because every day mothers everywhere dedicate their life to care for, guide, teach, love and cherish their children; in motherhood there is not such thing as a day off.

But if we, as a whole, need to have a made up holiday to take the time to stop everything and say Thank You, Mothers are sure deservings of all the praise. In fact, it was probably a mother who came up with the idea for Mother's Day ;-)

Happy Mother's Day mommies of the world,
may every day be mother's day to you all !

In our home, Mother's Day was quiet and simple...
That is what Mommy wanted.

The best part of my day... Snuggle time with Little
At Target with Daddy while Mommy had quiet time

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