Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mermaid in Training

Today Little graduated from the 2nd level of the swimming program in AquaTots. After 5 lessons, she was still not happy in their pool, but she did everything she needed to pass levels and more importantly she did NOT cry.

She is considerably happier in our pool; therefore, we have decided not to continue the lessons, at least not for now. The point of the lessons at this level is to get them comfortable in the water, teach them how to float and how to get in and out of the pool. We are working on all of these at home, so no need to go somewhere she doesn't like when we can teach her ourselves.

Our new secret weapon in making every trip to the pool a success is Barbie. We have several beach toys, but quickly we realized that if we have too many toys with us at the pool, Little becomes distracted and wants to hold them all at once, which makes it impossible to try to teach her anything, but having only Barbie is perfect.

See for yourself how comfortable Little has become in the pool. Two weeks ago, she didn't even want to put her feet in the water, and now...

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