Friday, May 13, 2011

Big Bird is in the House

A few of Little's friends have Crocs shoes and they seem to really like them. In their shoes their mommies get to spell their names and a high tech pair even has blinking lights.

It turns out their shoes are a source of entertainment and can even become a teaching tool (if the mommy will sit with the child and use the shoe to teach them the letters...While unlikely, it is possible ;-)

I consider purchasing a pair for Little, but I was not confident about spending $30+ on rubber shoes that she would outgrow rather quickly. 

Enter fate!

In the mail we received a $15 cash coupon for Sports Authority. I am not a regular shopper at the store, so I simply gave Little the flyer to play with and forgot about it. 
Weeks later the paper had made its way to the car and as we were running errands I saw her playing with it. Reading it, I realized it was about to expire and figured why not stop by the store and see what we might find for $15.

Here is what we found. They are a size too large for her, but they were $14.99 and she will grow into them. 
In the mid time she can have fun playing with my own Crocs.

She loves playing with Mommy's "shis" (as she calls them)
To me she looks a bit like Big Bird :)
And then she found her own Crocs

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