Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fresh for Health

 I was raised eating healthy, but not obsessively. We did not talk about foods unless we were eating it or shopping for it, and we did not worry about what we were or were not eating. I never saw my mother counting calories or discussing diets, or heard my father complain about his growing (or shrinking) belly.  

When it came to nutrition they lead by example. We sat down to eat three meals every day. No foods were forbidden; there simply was a variety of options available, from ice cream to fresh fruit, from sodas to juices. Because of that I grew up eating everything in moderation. For example, I love ice cream and treat myself to it weekly; however, I don't ever feel the need to eat an entire pint. 

I would love to raise Little in the same manner; however, I have a hurdle in my quest. The hurdle has a first and last name, Little calls him Daddy.  

My three concerns with Daddy's eating habits are:
1- When it comes to eating, many times Daddy doesn't know what moderation is.
2- Daddy does not eat ANY fruit (this is not an exaggeration).
3- Daddy rarely eats breakfast and he could easily skip lunch too.

That being said, this is not the 'Boo on Daddy' parade.   
Overall, he eats fairly healthy. He loves pizza, but he could be as content (most times) when I simply offer him a salad for dinner. He also does eat many foods I don't include in my menus, as pickles, peanut butter, cauliflowers and artichokes (if it weren't for him, Little would never be exposed to them).

Although I am able to lead by example, my concern is I am not the only example; therefore, I can't show Little a united front when it comes to eating habits. This means I have to go the extra mile to encourage her to grow with healthy eating habits.  

As part of going the extra mile, I have joined an organic produce co-op. 
Our first box came in today. 
I don't know which produces will be part of my box. It is based on what is available, which I find very exciting since it gives me the opportunity to offer Little fruits or vegetables I don't normally purchase.
And yes, all of it is organic and (since it is a co-op is) budget friendly.
Inspired by the arrival of the fresh produce, we decided tonight was going to be a salad only kind of night.

Little loved her tomatoes and she ate them with mozzarella cheese. 
When she saw me putting away the squash, she started calling it "Anana"
 So for dessert tonight, she got some banana.
 For those of you that may be curious, Daddy ate his salad...And complemented it with some pizza. 
Of  course Little saw him and had to have some pizza too ;)


  1. I would love some more info on that co-op!

    Adam also usually only eats one meal a day, dinner. But he is usually at work by the time Gideon wakes up, so it is just the 2 of us for breakfast and lunch, so I don't think it will effect him too much. And Gideon loves to eat so much that I don't think it will matter!

    I think it's great that you are offering Little such a variety and not giving her any fears of foods. It's very important to have a healthy outlook on food.

  2. Thanks Andrea. The co-op is super small. It is just a friend and her mother purchasing for a few people. Hopefully they'll grow more in the near future. I'll keep you in mind if and when they do.
    I hope Chloe is a good an eater as Gideon. Little has always been very picky and both Mommy and Daddy are picky too, so eating around here can get tricky, but I am trying to expose her to many tastes, but there are days when it is just all no good, like today all she wanted was pizza :(
