Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chemical Detox - The Battle of the Sunscreens

Who knew picking a sunscreen for Little would be this difficult? 

Summer is nearing and Little is spending a growing numbers of hours under the sun. I want to make sure she wears sunscreen and I want to make sure it is a healthy choice.  

I have spent approximately 6 hours researching the topic and in the store comparing products and pricing. 

You may be thinking I am crazy, but a little of research has made it clear that most of the sunscreens marketed for children are questionable. If you want to be informed on the topic visit Suncreens Exposed and Only 8% of Sunscreens Recommended. 

My criteria: 
1. A mineral based formula (zinc or titanium dioxide).
2. Without the commonly used Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate). It has recently been found to speed the development of skin tumors and lesions. 
3. Without oxybenzone, specially important with children because of toxicity concerns. 
4. Avoid spray formulas and SPF above 50.

I have found the product that best fits my needs. Now Little can enjoy herself safely outdoors and I can feel a little more comfortable about keeping her happy and healthy.

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