Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Word of the Day

Word of the Day has officially become WORDS of the day. 

Standing by the back gate
requesting for it to close and open
Today we had the first phrase of the day. While I was out last night, Daddy taught Little how to say: "Close the Door" and "Open the Door." She only uses it for one specific door, but she uses it appropriately. 
We are up to over 70 words. 

Here is the breakdown of the words and the order in which she has learned them:

1. Dadda
2. Clock
3. Book
4. Bacall (baca)
5. Coco
6. Duck
7. Bye Bye (ba bye)
8. No
9. Bobo (Bowie) now all dogs
10. Bu (Abuelo)
11. Pan
12. Vaca
13. Bebe
14. Ball 1/10
15. Pekaboo 2/1
16. Abby 2/5
17. Up 2/17
18. Parque 2/18 (paque)
19. Balloon
20. Agua 2/20
21. Pizza 2/22 (pisa)
22. Cookie 2/28 (cokie)
23. Car 3/1 turned into Carro 4/4
24. Mama 3/15
25. Mas 3/30
26. Calle 4/1
27. Elmo 4/2 (emo)
28. Banana 4/4 (anana)
29. Boca 4/5
30. Hola 4/5
31. Pies 4/6 (pie)
32. Bubbles 4/6
33. Uva 4/7
34. Cocodrilo 4/7 (cocorio)
35. Ojo 4/8
36. Sicabo 4/9 (Se acabo)
37. Abre 4/10 (abe)
38. Mano 4/ 10
39. Aigo 4/10
40. Baila 4/11
41. Hambre 4/11 (ambe)
42. Pañal 4/12 (pana)
43. Pasta 4/15 (pata)
45. Arbol 4/16 (arbo)
46. Bird 4/16
47. Silla 4/16
48. leon 4/16 (lon)
49. Niña /o4/17 
50. Bus 4/17
51. ña (Araña) 4/17
52. Buddha (buds) 4/20
52. Bug 4/23
53. Turtle 4/22 (tote)
54. Lake  (ake) 4/24
55. Leche (eche) 4/20
56. Bunny (bon) 4/21
57. Bee 4/22
58. Coca Cola 4/1
60. Callou (calli)
61. Puerta (Pueta)
62. Barco (baco)
63. Pig (ig)
64. Barco (baco) 4/25
65. Hoja 4/25
66. Gorilla (orila) 4/25
67. Night Night (nighnigh) 4/25
67. Pollo 4/26
68. Lillian (ilian) 4/26
69. Hug (pug) 4/26
70. Sombrero (ombreo) 4/27
71. Pajaro (paja) 4/27
72. Luna 4/27 (una)
73. Open the door / close the door (oandadoo) (clusdadoo) 4/27

Now, I'm faced with the questions: 
  1. When do I stop counting her "first" words? 
  2. When do I stop marveling at the fact she can now learn words (and use them appropriately) very fast? 
  3. When do I stop marveling at the fact she actually understands most of what I tell her? 
My baby has become a child!

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