Thursday, April 14, 2011

Already 15 months!

Little just turned 15 months and I am left wondering if I have enjoyed every second with her because every day she becomes more independent and needs me less and less. I know that is a good thing, I want to raise a strong, independent woman, but at the same time I sure love it when she grabs me by the leg and just drags me around the house.

Little is growing up so fast and each day is a whole new adventure for her in her discoveries and for me in learning how to maximize her environment.

The adventure today was...What to do with a baby who has decided she is better off playing with her diapers that wearing them?

I was cooking breakfast and this is what greets me...
Little took off her diapers and thinks it is the funnest thing ever to play with them and walk around the house with them as a purse.

We talked about it, and Little agreed that wearing diapers would be acceptable (as long as I give her some naked time at the end of each day)

Fully dressed, Little waited for the neighbors to arrive from school.

When the school bus pulled up, she started calling for Jacob. Then both Jacob and Alexis made her day by ignoring homework time and playing with her (they did go on to finish they homework).

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