Friday, April 15, 2011

Breakfast with a Picky Eater

I am the proud mamma of a picky eater. I have to admit, at first I didn't know what to feed Little because she would reject almost everything. The only safe bets with Little are bread and grapes, no matter what, she will always eat them.

I accepted the challenged happily, I figure it would give me an opportunity to step out of the safety zone of my favorite meals and it forced me to cook new recipes that agreed with my daughter's palate.

As the good researcher I am, the first tool in my arsenal was to read as much I could on the topic and gather ideas. (These books all came from the Cobb Public Library).

With all the new recipes and ideas, I also figured out something very important...I no longer make Little her own special meals. She always eats what I eat.

Take for example, breakfast. I love freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning. I used to make it only for myself, not any more!

As soon as Little sees the oranges comes out, she starts saying, "Jugo, Jugo" (Juice in Spanish), and she does the little dance that comes along with the request.

She is not very patient during the process. As every toddler, if she wants it, she wants it NOW!
[See Little waiting next to the oranges for her jugo.]
By the time the juice is done...
Little is sitting in her high chair eating Trader Joe's french toast and half an apple.
Since the orange juice is so filling, it has to be the last part of breakfast.
And she drinks every little bit of it.
Breakfast is done!

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