Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh The Memories

It seems ages ago, but as I sit remembering and looking at a picture of Little from when she was 3 months old, I find my notes on how I saw the world then:

"Give up control and give in to motherhood!

Without a doubt, this has been the most fulfilling life experience I have enjoyed. What a beautiful gift to have a new person love and trust you so much! But motherhood is not only filled with the treasures of seeing a new person discover the world for the first time. In addition to the sleepless nights, vomit perfumed shirts and lack of independence, there is one unexpected surprise in store for certain new moms like myself.

The biggest hurdled so far in this short ride has been to give in to the experience and give up control. It turns out that life as a new mother is lived in a series of stolen moments, expanses of time that are distributed throughout the day in 5 minute increments. Instances like a 2 minute shower while she is entertained by the mobile, chugging down an entire meal in 30 seconds flat, or doing the laundry in record time (even if it means sending my cell phone (cuddled in my jeans pocket) for an unintentionally cleaning).

In my life as a new mother, I learned something new every day and the most important (the one that keeps me sane) is to turn the surprises my new little ruler sends my way into the pleasure that fills my smiles. Although I have difficulty scheduling even a trip to the grocery (a sharp difference from 4 months ago), I have learned to stop stressing about it and instead I welcome the little adventures I share with my new companion."

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