Friday, June 24, 2011

1,2,3 Imagine you are in Sesame Street

Little thinks Elmo is the coolest thing in the world. She knows most of the characters by name and looks forward to her daily dose of Sesame Street. 

So naturally when the opportunity presented itself, we went to visit Elmo and his friends in Savannah. 

The smallest cookie monster fan is ready for the show
Running into the theater 
The entire clan
Zoe came to visit Little at her seat
La la la la Elmo's world
Sunny days
Little enjoyed the entire show. She sat still, almost hypnotized and clearly excited to see all her TV friends in person. When she recognized them she called their name. It was a great first concert experience. 

They passed out before we left the city

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Roadtrip to Savannah

We took a road trip to Savannah with out friends Nani and Nico
Kids resting for the busy day ahead
The mommies 
Taking over the hotel
Scenic walk next to the Savannah river
The world is our playground 
Nico liked holding Little's hand
Sharing their ice cream
Walking back to the hotel


After hours sitting in the car, Mommy decided to think out of the box to find a new source of  entertainment.

Grapes are so versatile
Holding the grape between her toes was long lasting fun

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where is Sesame Street?

We are all packed and ready to go visit Elmo at Sesame Street. 
Now, where is it?

Apparently, this week it is in Savannah...Road trip!

Monday, June 20, 2011

What it would be like if I had had twins?

Last Thursday, I tested what my world would be like if I had had twins as Little's friend Matthias spent the morning with us. 
Matthias is older than Little by one month. They've known each other since they were infants, they have similar personalities and play well together, so it came as no surprise to me that my morning went very smoothly (of course it helped immensely the fact that Matthias is very well behaved).
Since Little was already scheduled to attend music class, I invited Matthias along for the ride and off we went. 
Off to music class with Mr. Michael
Both sitting on my lap
Dancing and laughing
Little holding Matthias hand
On our way back to Matthias house

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

It is not easy walking on daddy's shoes. 

It would take too long to recount all the reasons why daddy is so fantastic. 
He is dedicated to teaching Little her ABC and in his honor these are just a few of the reasons why we love Daddy:

Awesome, Brave, Curious, Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Funny, Generous, Hardworking, Interesting, Joyful, Kind, Loving, Meticulous, Noble, Optimistic, 
Patient, Quit, Reliable, Sweet, Thoughtful, Understanding, Vivacious, Wise, Youthful, Xenodochial and Zesty.

Little made him a handmade card to show how much she loves him.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Feliz Dia del Padre Abuelo!

Happy Father's Day Grandad!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Things We Love

Last night I was rocking Little to sleep as I do every night. As she melted in my arms and I felt her breathing deepen I reclined my chair a little more and crossed my feet in full comfort...Oh how I love my glider!

When I was pregnant with Little, as I dreamed of the moment I had my baby in my arms, snuggling in a comfy gliding chair was always a memory I wanted to build.  However, it took me a while to convince Daddy that a gliding/rocking chair would be a good investment. I actually never really convinced him, I just told him we were getting one and it became all the easier to let the glider into our home when I told him it would be a gift from my parents.

Out of all my baby gear, the glider has been without a doubt the item that has gotten the most use. It was my preferred location to breastfeed her, I rocked her to sleep there, we snuggle in it, I even use it when she is not around, it is just so comfy.

Soon I will retire the glider from one of its main jobs. 
I have spent the last 16 months of my life rocking Little to sleep with the help of my glider. However, I have come to the determination that Little is old enough to go to sleep on her own. 

Tonight I decided to begin the process. It took me 45 minutes, but I am glad to report that although she complained, there were no tears. I talked to Little and explained to her the new process, I hugged her plenty and promised I would stay with her until she fell asleep. 

And it worked! But I have to admit that picking a loud thundering night to begin the transition was not my smartest moment.

With friends

These fun bunch came over for an afternoon at the pool. E and L were so excited to show off their newly honed swimming skills.  

Little was mesmerized with sweet E. 
She wanted E to hold her in the water, and Little is too heavy for tiny E. I had to help E without Little noticing, so cute.
The love affair with E didn't end in the pool. As they were buckling into their car seats, Little was seating in E's lap and cried when I told her she wasn't leaving with them.
The pool left all the kids hungry. 
These healthy bunch devoured the melon and grapes.  

ABC - B is for Burbujas and Bubbles

Yesterday we started exposing Little to the alphabet. The goal is for Little to learn new vocabulary words and for her to start understanding that each letter is different. Right now she thinks they are all called Be and although she likes the ABC song and can even sing parts of it, I am certain she doesn't understand what the singing is really about. 
So we began with A, and A is for Avion or Airplane.  We colored airplanes in paper and we played with her toy plane. 

For today's lessons, the driveway was our canvas.

Today we moved on to B, and B is for Burbujas or Bubbles. We purchased the No-Spill Bubble Tumbler Mini. These containers are fantastic, they do not spill, the wand is big enough for Little's hands and the tiny wand hole is a good challenge of Little's skills. 
She can't really blow bubbles yet, but it is lovely to see her trying.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


For the first 14 months of her life Little only developed two teeth (the center bottom two). 

For the past two months she has gotten two more teeth and she has five or six more (including morals) coming out.
 Poor thing, her gums are completely swollen.
No matter how many teeth she has coming in, which I am sure must be discomforting, Little is her happy little self.