Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ABC - B is for Burbujas and Bubbles

Yesterday we started exposing Little to the alphabet. The goal is for Little to learn new vocabulary words and for her to start understanding that each letter is different. Right now she thinks they are all called Be and although she likes the ABC song and can even sing parts of it, I am certain she doesn't understand what the singing is really about. 
So we began with A, and A is for Avion or Airplane.  We colored airplanes in paper and we played with her toy plane. 

For today's lessons, the driveway was our canvas.

Today we moved on to B, and B is for Burbujas or Bubbles. We purchased the No-Spill Bubble Tumbler Mini. These containers are fantastic, they do not spill, the wand is big enough for Little's hands and the tiny wand hole is a good challenge of Little's skills. 
She can't really blow bubbles yet, but it is lovely to see her trying.

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