Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Memorial Weekend - Day 4

Our vacation was relaxing and a nice escape from the routine for the entire family!
We all got to enjoy our books. Daddy read about mountain climber, Mommy read about other mommies and Little read about baby bears.
We also enjoyed plenty of time swimming in the pool and playing with the sand at the beach.
Little loves jumping into our arms while in the pool. She had grown to feel very comfortable in the water 

 I continue to teach her how to blow bubbles, but so far all she does is laugh and drink water
 It took some time, but by the 4th day Little was comfortable walking on the beach and notice she did not need her water shoes
 The water was so gorgeous and refreshing, she did not want to get out of it
It was very timely her new found love for the beach since the pool had to be closed for 24 hours (a little someone - not our Little- had an accident in it) 
 After a long day, both Daddy and Little needed a break

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