Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Weekend - Day 2

When planning our vacation we knew we wanted to go to a kid friendly destination, and boy did we score with our choice. 

We had pool and beach a few steps away from each other. However, Lillian was not a fan of the beach. She didn't like standing in the sand and even less walking in it. 
When we tried to put her down on the ground, she would bring up her legs and do anything she could to avoid sitting down.
So we carried her.
 Stopping to smell the flowers...wouldn't it be nice if we all stopped every once in a while to smell the flowers too?
 I'm guessing if we did we would all be smiling more.
Ready for some pool fun.
But not before putting our sunblock!
 The pool tired her, but also made Mommy and Daddy hungry. We decided to grab a quick lunch and then we would take her to the room for her nap. But she couldn't wait. She fell asleep sitting in her chair. So what does the hotel staff did?
They brought us a pack and play so we could enjoy our lunch while she rested. 

After lunch she was eager to get back in the pool.

 On our second night, we hired a hotel recommended babysitter to stay with Little while we went to dinner. Mommy was of course nervous about how Little would reach to someone new in a foreign place, but my worries were unfounded. She was as happy as could be to stay with Ms. Allysha. 
Daddy and mommy enjoyed a delicious dinner at Eric Ripert's Blue restaurant.

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