Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Things We Love

Last night I was rocking Little to sleep as I do every night. As she melted in my arms and I felt her breathing deepen I reclined my chair a little more and crossed my feet in full comfort...Oh how I love my glider!

When I was pregnant with Little, as I dreamed of the moment I had my baby in my arms, snuggling in a comfy gliding chair was always a memory I wanted to build.  However, it took me a while to convince Daddy that a gliding/rocking chair would be a good investment. I actually never really convinced him, I just told him we were getting one and it became all the easier to let the glider into our home when I told him it would be a gift from my parents.

Out of all my baby gear, the glider has been without a doubt the item that has gotten the most use. It was my preferred location to breastfeed her, I rocked her to sleep there, we snuggle in it, I even use it when she is not around, it is just so comfy.

Soon I will retire the glider from one of its main jobs. 
I have spent the last 16 months of my life rocking Little to sleep with the help of my glider. However, I have come to the determination that Little is old enough to go to sleep on her own. 

Tonight I decided to begin the process. It took me 45 minutes, but I am glad to report that although she complained, there were no tears. I talked to Little and explained to her the new process, I hugged her plenty and promised I would stay with her until she fell asleep. 

And it worked! But I have to admit that picking a loud thundering night to begin the transition was not my smartest moment.

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