Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cheese, Cheese and More Cheese

Queso is the first thing Noodle says when she sits at the table to eat. 
She loves her cheese and it has gotten to the point where she eats cheese with cheese, literally!
 Noodle, what do you want for breakfast? 
Her common answer is queso please
Eating bread with sliced deli cheese and on top of that, parmesan cheese
I have to keep extra Kraft cheese in stock because she puts more after every bite.
 She invited Angelina for lunch and the menu was pasta with cheese. I had to give Angelina a good rinse after because she was covered with cheese.

And for dinner she wanted macaroni and cheese with parmesan cheese
She really loves her queso. She puts it on chips, crackers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, carrots, broccoli, anything that is savory gets a sprinkle of cheese on top. And of course her favorite dessert is Cheesecake!

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