Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Birthday Fun (Part 2) - The Party

Noodle invited her friends to a fun party for her 2nd birthday at one of her favorite places, Catch Air. 
Playing with Prima Ale.
She loves the ball pit!
With Daddy at the top of the tower.
The fastest way down!
Jumping with excitement!
Getting ready to be celebrated on the dance floor with all her friends.
After all that running around, it was time to recharge with some pizza.
The cake was made of many cupcakes and the decoration was Angelina Ballerina.
Happy Birthday!
She just started loving cakes and sweets, and getting to lick her little Angelina Ballerina was a real treat for her.
She really had a blast during her entire party, just enjoyed every moment of it and even when it was over she still did not want to leave.
We stayed and extra hour playing around, at the end she simply walked towards the door and asked to get into the car. She was very tired!
You would think that after all that exercise she would have gone straight into a nap, but instead she got home and wanted to eat more cake.
Then, she wanted to open her gifts. She is not the type of child who devours through her presents. Instead she took her time opening each of them, enjoying them for a while and then asking for more. It took 6 days to open all her gifts, she would open 1 or 2 a day, at the end Daddy decided we had to just open the ones that were left to unwrap because otherwise Noodle was going to get confused and think she would get a gift every day forever. 

She loved her birthday party, playing with all her friends at her favorite spot, eating her favorites foods, dressed as Angelina and getting presents on top of it all. 
We are very proud of what a joyful, entertaining, intelligent and kind little girl she has become and can't wait to celebrate with her many more birthdays.

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