Monday, January 23, 2012

Birthday Fun - Part 1

It has taken me a while to recuperate for Noodle's exciting birthday celebrations. In total we had three events to commemorate her 2nd birthday.
A few days before her actual birthday we celebrated together with our family her special day. 
She was very happy when she realized the menu consisted of her favorite food: sandwiches and chips.
Mommy is no baker, but along with Prima Ale's we made her a cake with an Angelina Ballerina figurine to decorate it. She was thrilled when she saw the tiny Angelina.
Ready to open her presents!
She was so excited to be getting so many girly gifts and books. 
She immediately wanted to put her crown on!
 With her new puppy
 I love her face when looking at this gift, the excitement was caused by a tutu with a matching purse
Asking GG to read her a new book
 Trying to figure out her new phone with Uncle J
 With her new best friend, Angelina Ballerina
 These books are the perfect size for her little hands, she takes them everywhere.
Ready for cookies and cake

 She really enjoyed her pre-birthday celebration. She was in a great mood, was thrilled when she got her special birthday Angelina Ballerina outfit and all her ballerina goodies.

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