Saturday, October 29, 2011

Spooky Halloween Trail

Since we are out-of-town this weekend, we are missing all the pre-halloween festivities. We decided to get some trick or treat practice for Halloween by visiting a Spooky Halloween Trail. 
 It is Little's first official Halloween (last year she didn't understand much and didn't speak). This year it is a whole different story! We have been reading a Halloween board book for the last 2 weeks, she loves her costume, and we have been practicing trick or treat around the house (she knocks on a closet door, says trick or treat and Daddy or Mommy come out.)
The entrance to the Spooky Trail had a large black phantom hanging, so our horsie wasn't interested in going in.
The ghost in the entrance didn't look too inviting. She did not want to go in!
 Since she was afraid, Daddy carried her through the first section.

Figuring out that if you say trick or treat you are allowed to grab some candy.
After she conquered the first table she had it all figured out and pressed on happily. She said trick or treat at the right times and always said thank you after she picked her candy. 
Trick or Treat
Thank you!
 Our practice run was a total success!
I can get used to this :)
Watching the bigger kids
Happy Halloween
It was a beautiful walking trail

We are now officially ready for Halloween!

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