Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting ready for Halloween

A few weeks back I took Little Noodle to the stores and as fate would have it we ended up in the Halloween departments. 

We were browsing, but not looking for a costume, after all we had already decided she would be a pirate. 
But then she saw a flying horse and there was no way she was not getting it.

She absolutely loves her horse. She wears it all the time. If I have to change her diaper I must promise I will put it back on before she allows me to change her. It is uncomfortable to sleep with it on, but she does sleep hugging it. I have even figured out how to safely buckle her into her car seat with the horse still on.
Last night as she was being put to bed we were reading our treat or trick book, which reminded her about Halloween and that the horse was not in bed with her. Soon after tears followed, the horse was nowhere to be found. Eventually I remembered it was in the car and only after she had it in her hand did she go to sleep.

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