Tuesday, October 18, 2011

At the playground

Little has been enjoying the Fall weather. 
We have been making regular visits to the playground. 

She used to only love the slides, but she is a "big" girl now, so she has branched out.

Since she was a tiny baby, Little has never been a fan of the swings, but this last week she decided Baa (her friend the Sheep) liked the swings, and since Baa liked the swings then maybe Little should try them too. Here she is pushing Baa. 

It turns out she likes the swings, but she really only likes to sit on the swing; however, she does not want to be pushed.
 Instead she wants Mommy and Baa to sit along with her in the swings, but neither of us is allowed to swing either. Can you say bossy? 
 She can go up the stairs on her own

 It has been fascinating to see her confidence develop and grow a bit more with each playground visit. She is cautious, but still adventurous. When we go to playgrounds that have different play sets for young and older children, we always start in the younger playground, but she always ends up wanting to play with the older children.

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