Friday, October 28, 2011

Snowbirds at the Beach

We came down to Florida to take care of some business, but of course with Little Noodle around there is not such a thing as just business, there is always time for fun.
She was so excited to come down to the beach, she played with the sand, tasted it and kept showing me the water and saying playa.

Running trying to catch the birds...It was not a successful task, but she sure had fun trying.
The tide was going out and she found the puddles. It didn't matter that the water was a little chilly.
She kept getting wetter and asking for me to remove more pieces of clothing.
It is just inspiring how the simplest things as running in the sand and jumping in puddles can bring such a lovely smile.

1 comment:

  1. mom i want to remove ALL her clothing and pleasure her
