Tuesday, December 11, 2012

When is Christmas?

As if we didn't have several ways to count down Christmas, I came up with one more. 
We collected 24 rocks, put Christmas stickers on them and the plan was that each morning we would take one out, by Christmas morning, there would be none left in the jar. 
Collecting the rocks
Picking them carefully
Final selection 
Noodle putting the stickers on the rocks 
The happy little helper
They are done!
Putting them in the big jar

She call this her sweet face!
"They are mine and I don't want to take one out each morning"
"Good plan Mommy, but we don't want to be part of it"
Ultimately, Noodle is not interested in the rock countdown; however, it is not a total loss. 
She does play with her rocks, she lines them, pretends they are airplanes and takes them in and out of the bucket. They get played with, just not the kind of play I expected, but that is the beauty of it all: she gets to do what interests her. 

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