Monday, December 10, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

Noodle is very excited about Christmas. 
I figure it would be nice to have a countdown, a sort of advent activity that would entertain her and would help her figure out when the actual day arrived. 
We have an advent Noah's Ark she loves, but I decided to create other fun activities. 
I checked out 24 Christmas books from the library and wrapped them for her and each night she opens one. 

I numbered each book, so it helps her work on her numbers.
Working on her numbers. Counting

Excited opening her book
Every night she asks we read her the book twice in a row, then she takes it and reads it herself (or pretends to read it, telling the story as she remembers and can tell from the illustration)
Daddy reading The Polar Express
Noodle reading to Tashi

I built a felt board and we attach the numbers to the board each night, when we fill the board it will be Christmas!
The felt board with the left over wrapping paper

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