Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Babes in Toyland

Noodle and her little friend went to the see the classic family ballet, Babes in Toyland. 

Noodle was so excited to see the ballerinas in person. This was the perfect ballet introduction since it is a performance filled with all the classical storytime characters, including: Little Bo-Peep, Little Miss Muffet, Red Riding Hood, Mother Goose, etc. It is a simple story to understand and the girls were able to understand the story without difficulty. 
Girls in red
Excited with their wands after the show
After the show, we had a chance to meet the characters. I thought Noodle would not be interested, but I was wrong. She was so excited to talk to the all, she wanted to take pictures. There were children asking for autographs and although Noodle doesn't understand what an autograph is, she asked me to give her the program so she could get some too. 

Getting autographs

With Jill
With Red Riding Hood
With the Snow Flakes 
With Queen Moth

After the show running with her friend

I just love this face

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