Sunday, August 12, 2012


We have been big fans of the Olympics, it is inspiring to see such great athletes. Even more exciting is getting to experience the Olympics from a toddler's perspective.  

Noodle has showed interest in almost all sports; however, gymnastics, swimming and running are our favorites.

We got so inspired, we tried our own mini Olympics: 

Doing the bars

With gymnast hair
High jump

Getting taped up like the girls on TV
Daddy got in on the action
Mommy also giving it her best effort
Even caterpillar wanted to give it a try 

It has been a nightly ritual to watch the Olympics and we have very much enjoyed it. However, I am also looking forward to returning to our normal bedtimes, the recent 10pm late nights for our toddler have been catching up with her during the day. 

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