Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Solids

Our baby Tashi is one hungry girl. If she sees anyone eating, she stares at the food waiting for her turn.  She is so interested in food, the pediatrician recommended we introduce her to oatmeal baby cereal.

With Noodle we started solids at Month 6. She wasn't too impressed with it, in fact she was not interested at all. She would spit most of it. 
Noodle her first time eating solids ( MONTH 6)
 With Tashi we just started trying it (2 months earlier) and as expected it, she loves it. In fact, I can't feed it to her fast enough. 
Tashi her first time eating solids (MONTH 4)
The first time she was a little surprised about the process and wasn't sure what to do.
Today, on her 3rd day as soon as I sat her on the chair and took the spoon out she started kicking and once the spoon neared her face she would open her mouth and would not spit any of it. 
Upset because we ran out of cereal

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