Saturday, August 18, 2012

At the beach - Part 1

We brought the girls to the beach to celebrate Tashi's 4th month. 
The 6 hour drive was as smooth as it could go. Both girls were pleasant and we only had one 30 minute dinner stop. 

It is a bit loud, but there is so much to see
One of many naps on the beach. So relaxing!
 While Tashi slept, Noodle entertained herself swimming in the pool and building castles in the beach.
Swimming with Daddy
What should I build?
I woke up so happy!
I want to swim too
Mommy couldn't find Tashi's swim diaper, so she had to sit it out the first day. 

This is the best I could get of both of them together 
I love this place!
The beach is vey relaxing for the entire family. 
Tashi and Noodle have been taking 2+ naps each day and in between we do short beach or pool trips.  


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