Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Busy Bees

It has been a busy two months!

Our Tashi has gone from a 6.9lbs hungry newborn to an 11lbs sleepy baby (she has slept through the night since a few days after she turned 1 month old.) 
Little Noodle for her part has gone from being an unsure big sister, to the best helper. She is always at the ready for assistance with diaper changes and she knows when to be quiet so we don't wake her sister. Noodle has also gone from a diaper wearing toddler to a potty trained child. 
Needless to say all those changes have kept me incredibly busy. I will try to continue my updates in a more regular basis, but as I take the time to enjoy my girls and take care of my family, by the end of the day I find myself too exhausted to spend time in the computer.   

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