Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tashi Has Arrived!

A week ago we welcomed a new little girl into our family. 

We had carefully planned the arrival of our Baby Tashi, but she had her own plans. We had planned for her to arrive via C-Section on April 20; however, she made us rush to the hospital on the night of April 19 and she arrived on her own terms on April 20 (no C-Section necessary).

We arranged for Big Sister to have private time with Baby Sister, and she was very excited. She came running into the room, jumped in the bed and just wanted to hug and kiss her baby sister.

She loves holding her Baby Sister.

After a stressful and thrilling date, Daddy finally gets to relax with his Baby Girl.

We had a very successful recuperation and after 28 hours, we were discharged from the hospital. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful family! We can't wait to meet her.
