Sunday, April 8, 2012

Strawberry Fields

Last week the strawberry picking season began in Georgia. 
We visited a local farm and picked our own fresh strawberries for the week.

To pick or not to pick? 
At first Noodle wasn't sure she wanted to get dirty and kneel down to pick anything. 
Then we found her friend Efra who showed her how it is done. 
 You can see by her face she still wasn't convinced...
But she gave it a try!
 She didn't like getting dirty and after each strawberry I had to wipe her hand.
 It was also a bit hotter than we expected it to be for early April.
Nevertheless we got some very tasty strawberries!
 She loved walking around the fields.
Specially when Efra agreed to hold her hand and walk with her.
 She made sure horsie joined in for some of the fun.
 The highlight of the visit for her was the visit to the hens and roosters.

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