Monday, June 25, 2012


Noodle has been asking to go to the Zoo for a few weeks. I had been reluctant because Tashi seemed so small, but I finally decided to go for it and off we went.  
On her first trip to the Zoo
Noodle with her favorite animal at the zoo...Giraffes 
Noodle is not a big fan of the petting zoo, but she stayed close to Prima Ly and together they did really well

After lunch Noodle convinced Prima Ly to play tag, but Noodle doesn't completely get the concept. She likes being followed, but once she is tagged, she doesn't follow the other player. Prima Ly was kind enough to disregard the rules.
 Somehow playing tag turned into dancing and they ended twirling in the pavilion.
 The girls were so excited to get on the Merry-Go-Round.
 Our visit to the zoo was very entertaining. Baby Tashi slept the entire visit and she didn't wake up until a few minutes after we got home.
Noodle feeding the lion
Noodle has a special fascination with the flamingos, I think it's because they are pink and that is her favorite color

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