Friday, December 2, 2011

Milestone Day

We had a big, unexpected milestone today. We have been relaxed about pushing Little's potty training. We let her roam naked when in the house if she wants to and  if she announces she has to peepee we take her to the potty. She has had a few accidents, but not too many.  
Tonight she was roaming naked as the rest of us worked on the Christmas decorations. She was running around, playing with her toys and being her happy self. 
At one point, she disappeared for a few minutes. I called for her and she didn't come, so I figured she had gone into the bedroom to get a toy or got distracted somewhere. 

When she appears she says, "Big Mess Mommy", repeats it several times and leads me to the bedroom and then to the bathroom. I suspected she had peeped somewhere, but what I found was incredible. 

Our Little Noodle had gone a big number 2 in the potty, all by herself and had left no mess. This is a very big deal because we had not address the potty in regards to number 2 at all. She connected the dots all on her own and went for it. 
We are so proud of her! 
Needless to say, the celebration she received was pretty rewarding for her.

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