Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Fun

Noodle had a fantastic 2nd Christmas. She was excited and interested in being part of the celebration, but overall I know she did not understand that it all was to end with gifts for her. 

We spent Christmas Eve celebrating with family. 
Then at home, we put cookies and milk for Santa (or Bacall-our doggy ate them.) Noodle was not clear on who the cookies were for or how he was going to get them, but ultimately she left them there and talked about them right until she fell asleep.  
 Santa liked the cookies and in keeping with tradition her left her three gifts. 
 In the morning, when Daddy picked her up from her room the first thing she asked for was Santa. Then she came down excitedly, but also overwhelmed by all the attention. She was speechless at the sight of the missing cookies and milk and wasn't sure if she was really supposed to open the gifts. 
We helped her open the first set of gifts and she was thrilled with Santa's choices.  
Making breakfast in her new kitchen
With the Toy Story spaceship
She was absolutely in love with all her new Toy Story characters
 She very quickly understood the concept of opening gifts, but after she had about six gifts, she took a break and was not interested in opening any more gifts for a while. She just wanted to play with her new toys.
Trying on Mommy's new sweater 
It wasn't until late in the afternoon that she finished opening all her gifts, which included a box filled with Little Golden Books, about 300 of them.
Toy Story 2 was one of the Little Golden Books included in the box
All her gifts were a total hit. She took time throughout the day to play with each and every new toy and to read a few of her new books. She had so much fun that the next morning her first thought as she came downstairs was to ask for Santa. Needless to say she was a bit disappointed to learn she had to wait a whole year for another Christmas.
Merry Christmas!

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