Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ho Ho Ho, Santa #1, Santa #2...Santa #8

It has been a very busy December for us. Mommy and Little Noodle have been non stop attending all the Christmas activities and events that we could fit into our schedule. So many, that we are officially worn out!
Little Noodle visited EIGHT Santas, some of which she kind of liked, others she was uninterested in and others she simply disliked completely.
She would sit close to Santa only in Mommy was in the picture too
When we began visiting Santa she was apprehensive; nevertheless, she warmed to the idea slowly, but nicely.
One of her favorite Santas was the one that combined her love for animals with the holidays. The Chick-Fil-A Cow Santa was playful and funny. She gave him high fives and followed him around the restaurant.
With the Chick-Fil-A Cow Santa 
The Phipps Santa is possibly the most coveted Santa in Atlanta. You need to make an appointment months in advance and you have to pay just to get close to him. This Santa is elegant, but a bit stiff. He didn't make eye contact and was scripted, even rehearsed. The whole thing felt too staged and rushed and, well, stock-up. The photos speaks for itself on her reaction with him.
With the Phipps Santa
The Phipps Santa was a turning point for Noodle because she went from being happy around Santa to not wanting anything to do with any Santa. She didn't want to talk about Santa or see him in photos or videos, almost as if she had been traumatized.
Our schedule still called for another meeting with Santa, the Ritz Santa. I had met this Santa before Noodle was born and I had liked him, so I was hopeful that he could reconvert her back into loving Santa. HE DID!
 This Santa was so kind, friendly and sweet. When he first came out, she went to the other side of the room. Then he started to sing (a Capella nonetheless) and her eyes became interested and curiosity drew her to him. When he spoke she became powerless, the soft tone and eye contact got her and she started answering his questions and even smiled at him. She adored him, talked to him and told him what she wanted for Christmas. She even blew him a kiss at the end and told him she loved him.It was a hit!
With the Ritz Santa
Mommy wants to end on a high note, so we are done visiting Santa. This year we did the work meeting all the Santas, next year we'll know where to go when Noodle wants to see Santa.
As is, she likes Santa (again) and is looking forward to his visit on Christmas Eve (although I really don't think she understands what he represents and why she has to tell him time and time again that she wants a Spaceship). In the midtime we see the personalized video Santa sent her every day and every time he says her name or her photo appears on the video her smile brightens.

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