Saturday, October 13, 2012

Five Months

Our Tashi just turned 5 months. From month to month the changes are immense. She is now so much more aware of her surroundings, very observant, taking it all in. 

  • Favorite word: Aaaaaaaa Gruu Aaaa
  • Favorite song: Mr. Michael, I have become a regular at my sister's music class and enjoy it very much
  • Favorite food: Pears, bananas and anything sweet I can get my mouth on. I do not like vegetables or salty things
  • Favorite trick: When I want something I can concentrate and get my hands to go there and I can get it to my mouth (or very close to it)
  • I smile the biggest when: I see my sister. She is such a pretty dancer and so entertaining  
  • Favorite person: Noodle (my sister). I am also very interested in my furry siblings (Bowie and Bacall)
  • Newest discovery: I have 2 teeth that both appeared on my actual month birthday. I am also good at grabbing my feet.
  • Favorite activity: Chewing on everything and being walked around held facing forward
  • Least favorite activity: Eating vegetables 
  • I cry when: My parents insist I do belly time

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