Friday, October 26, 2012

6 Months Already!

  • Favorite word: Baaaaa Raaaaa
  • Favorite song: Ho Hey by The Lumineers because Mommy and I dance it together
  • Favorite food: Everything. I am one hungry girl. I can't see anyone put anything in their mouth because I'll want it. I have eaten everything from eggs, to chocolate, rice, chicken, pork, french fries. My mommy has to hide when she eats because then she would have to feed me again, even if I just ate
  • Favorite trick: I splash in the bathtub when Daddy says the word Splash
  • I smile the biggest when: I see my sister play with her friends and dance like a ballerina
  • Favorite person: Daddy, I love my play time with Daddy every afternoon
  • Newest discovery: I can sit (only for a few seconds) and I can roll over comfortably
  • Favorite activity: I love being walked around facing forward
  • Least favorite activity: I don't like to be away from my sister 
  • I cry when: I have a dirty diaper

  • My sister and her friends organized a fun 6 month celebration for me. 
    The best part is that I got to eat cake. 

    1 comment:

    1. Lauren is a hungry girl just like her mommy when she was a baby.Tita just to eat and eat and we have to hide from her too.
