Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Four Months

Tashi turned 4 months over a week ago and I had forgotten to post her update. 

  • Favorite word: Arggg 
  • Favorite song: "I love my Coco everyday, I love my Coco everyday" (Noodle's latest creation) and "The Wheels on the Bus"(Noodle grabs her hands or feet and do the motion) . My sister loves to sing and I love watching her sing to me, anything she sings I like.  
  • Favorite food: Mommy's milk. 1 week after I turned 4 months I was introduced to solids and I love them. So far, I have eaten oatmeal, applesauce and bread. 
  • Favorite trick: Pulling my sister's hair
  • I smile the biggest when: I see my sister dance and sing 
  • Favorite person: Noodle (my sister)
  • Newest discovery: I love kicking and I just discovered I have feet
  • Favorite activity: Standing in my Exersaucer
  • Least favorite activity: Getting dressed and undressed
  • I cry when: Mommy runs out of food for me

  • 1 comment:

    1. Congratulations on all her new discoveries!
