Saturday, September 8, 2012

1st Day of School

Noodle's first day of preschool at The Spanish Academy was a total success!

She woke up extra early and got dressed faster than usual. On our way to the school she was all smiles and as we pulled into the carpool line she was happy.

When we first got into the line she was all smiles. As the line progressed and she saw the kids getting out of the cars and the parents leaving, she became a little nervous and asked me to stay with her.
When we first got into the line
Realizing that I was not going in with her 
Since I didn't want her to be upset, I pulled out of the line and waited for Nico to arrive so they could go in together. 

Noodle got out of the car without complaints and waited for Nico with the teacher
Off they go into class holding hands
Mommy was a bit sad to leave Noodle in school for the first time
The school is a block away from our home, which gives me plenty of time to run home and spend quality time with Tashi. We even had extra time to run some errands, when I drove past Noodle's school by chance the kids were out in the playground and I could see Noodle playing in the swings. She seemed perfectly happy.

She got out of the car so fast that she completely forgot her little blanket, I was very sad for her because I know she loves it, but the teacher said she did fine without it.
Oh no, she forgot her coco
The report from the teacher was: Total Success! She never cried or complaint, followed all the directions and was perfectly content. Once at the playground she asked for Mommy and when the teacher told her Mommy will be back for her soon, she seemed pleased with the answer. 

She will continue going once a week for the rest of the semester and we will revisit the preschool discussion at the beginning of next year.

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