Thursday, June 28, 2012

Girls in Green

This week Baby Tashi joined Noodle at her music class.  Noodle was so excited to have her sister come with us. 

As we were picking their clothes, Noodle insisted her sister wore the same colors, so they became the girls in green (with the pink flowers.) 

Sisters hug...Tashi's face is very cautious
Ready to dance with Mr. Michael

Flamingo enjoying the class
 Since I had to hold Baby Tashi, Noodle took the role of flamingo's mommy and made sure flamingo enjoyed the class. 
 Every child has a chance to sing parts of the songs with Mr. Michael, Noodle is always a bit shy, but still sings her part

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dedicated Big Sister

Noodle is one dedicated big sister. 

Baby Tashi was sleeping in her crib and through the monitor Noodle and I heard her wake. I told Noodle we would finish folding the laundry and then we would get her. 
She walked away and a few second later this is what I saw in the monitor: 

I thought that was the sweetest thing and let her continue talking to her sister while I finished folding the laundry. Suddenly I looked back into the monitor, and this is what I found:

When I walked into the room they were perfectly happy: 

She is so dedicated to her big sister role, and the best part was the excitement in Baby Tashi's face to have her sister with her in her crib.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy 2nd Month!

Baby Tashi just turned 2 months old. 

These days her favorite things are ceiling fans.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mermaid in the Making

Noodle began swim lesson today. 
She spends a huge part of the summer in the pool; therefore, she is very comfortable in the water. It came as no surprise when today the teacher said she did great on her first lesson. 
The goal today was for her to put her face under water (she has never liked wetting her face.)

Tashi wondering why she is not allowed in the water

Noodle was very proud of herself after the lesson. She learned an entire new skill and when I got into the pool with her soon after the teacher left, she asked me several time to submerge her underwater. 


Noodle has been asking to go to the Zoo for a few weeks. I had been reluctant because Tashi seemed so small, but I finally decided to go for it and off we went.  
On her first trip to the Zoo
Noodle with her favorite animal at the zoo...Giraffes 
Noodle is not a big fan of the petting zoo, but she stayed close to Prima Ly and together they did really well

After lunch Noodle convinced Prima Ly to play tag, but Noodle doesn't completely get the concept. She likes being followed, but once she is tagged, she doesn't follow the other player. Prima Ly was kind enough to disregard the rules.
 Somehow playing tag turned into dancing and they ended twirling in the pavilion.
 The girls were so excited to get on the Merry-Go-Round.
 Our visit to the zoo was very entertaining. Baby Tashi slept the entire visit and she didn't wake up until a few minutes after we got home.
Noodle feeding the lion
Noodle has a special fascination with the flamingos, I think it's because they are pink and that is her favorite color

Saturday, June 23, 2012

At the Pool

We took advantage of a steamy summer afternoon to introduce Baby Tashi to the pool. 

Noodle danced her way into the pool
While Baby Tashi cautiously soaked
Noodle entertained her baby sister by singing Wheel on the Bus. 
But Tashi didn't really need any entertainment. She loves water and sat happily with Daddy and Noodle for a long time.

On Summer Afternoons

On summer afternoons, Noodle loves going for a visit at her grandparents. She gets so excited, packs her toys, snacks and drinks and dresses for an afternoon of fun. 
When she is ready, she always likes to sit in the driveway and wait for GG to pick her up. 

Waiting patiently with her friends
Backpack is on, but I can't forget my lunchbox 
Bye, bye Mommy

Just Like Mommy

I remember having a fascination with my father's hair. I would sit for hours playing with it, putting bows and pins...when it came to playing hairdresser, he was my living doll.

I was surprised and delighted to see Noodle continue the tradition...
 She kept telling him: "Daddy don't move. I'm working."

Third Eye

Noodle found an eye lying around...
 This is what Daddy and Noodle decided to do with it. 

And then... 
Tashi may be too small to interact with her older sister, but Noodle still manages to have fun with her. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Wishing all the wonderful Daddy's out there a Happy Father's Day. 

I am grateful my girls have such a dedicated, loving, patient, creative and fun Daddy. Seeing the smiles they get on their faces every time they see him makes me a happy Mommy and warms my heart. 

Happy Father's Day!

I am also thankful my girls get to know and spend time with their grandfathers. 

Happy Father's Day to Abuelo and Grandad! 
Thanks for being such great role models and giving my daughters wonderful memories. We love you! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain...

Noodle and Daddy absolutely love the rain. 
As soon as drops start to fall, they get their umbrellas and set out to explore. 
They love jumping on puddles and looking for worms and snakes.
They are well known in the neighborhood for rain explorers and they have even inspired other families to join in the fun.
Tashi and Mommy much rather stay indoors, but we still manage to have fun.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hiking Fun

Last weekend we enjoyed the nice Spring weather with a hiking adventure.  
Noodle had so much fun running in the field and chasing Daddy around.
 Daddy taught Noodle about simple nature fun.  They were shooting pepper weeds, blowing Dandelions and exploring the field.
She had so much fun imitating everything her Daddy did. They were so adorable relaxed while eating caterpillar grass.

Mommy joined in with some rolling fun.
 Somewhere in the middle of the field, we stumbled into a little chick, she was so cute we couldn't leave without her ;-)

We love hiking but Noodle always needs a ride back to the car. Normally one of us carries her, but now she can take a ride in Tashi's stroller.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Little Mommy

Noodle loves taking care of her baby. 
I expected her to want to feed her baby, so I got her a tiny bottle. 
 I was not expecting her to ask me for my feeding pillow, sit on the glider and then pretend to breastfeed her baby.
A good Mommy remembers to burp her baby.

Busy Bees

It has been a busy two months!

Our Tashi has gone from a 6.9lbs hungry newborn to an 11lbs sleepy baby (she has slept through the night since a few days after she turned 1 month old.) 
Little Noodle for her part has gone from being an unsure big sister, to the best helper. She is always at the ready for assistance with diaper changes and she knows when to be quiet so we don't wake her sister. Noodle has also gone from a diaper wearing toddler to a potty trained child. 
Needless to say all those changes have kept me incredibly busy. I will try to continue my updates in a more regular basis, but as I take the time to enjoy my girls and take care of my family, by the end of the day I find myself too exhausted to spend time in the computer.