Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Day with Nature

We decided today would be a good day to enjoy nature. Little Noodle and Mommy joined Daddy in one of his training walks through the mountains.
It all started with a great up-close encounter with deer. Noodle calls them Bambie and thinks they are adorable. 

 The entire family was part of the adventure, including our doggies B&B. 

Daddy was wearing the backpack he uses for training. It weighs 50lbs and when you add the little person he had to carry some of the time, it is fair to say he really got his workout today.
She enjoyed searching for animals, listening to the birds and looking at the mountains. 
Walking with her hands in her pockets.

 We arrived at the lake. 
 Daddy always tells Noodle about his climbing, so today she put him to the test. She kept asking him to climb this mountain.
 She was the only one that had enough energy to sprint back to the car.

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