Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Vacation 2 - Vacationing with Angelina

We couldn't go on our vacation without our Little Angelina.
At first she did not want to wet the tutu, but once she figured out it was designed to be wet, she went on to enjoy herself in the water.   
Practicing her Angelina dance moves
 We went to El Morro and thought we had left Angelina in the hotel, but we were wrong.

As soon as she found anything that resembled a stage, she started dancing. 
 And when it was time to go for dinner she only had one request, to wear her Angelina Ballerina costume, so she did!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Vacation 1

We escaped the cold airs of November for a warmer alternative and celebrated Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico.  
 Little was thrilled to get some time in the pool, she had missed getting into it and as soon as we arrived and she saw other children splashing in it, she asked if she could go in too. 
 She saw a child eating cotton candy and her eyes popped, she started asking: "What's that?" So we got her some...She fell in love.
 Ready for dinner. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

As our family relaxes and enjoys some of the great things nature has to offer on this Thanksgiving Day, we know we have countless things to be thankful for.
We give thanks every day for all the marvelous experiences, opportunities and gifts we have been given in this lifetime.
In the spirit of thankfulness and joy we hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Day and get to enjoy it the way you choose to. 
This year, we have chosen to exchange the traditional turkey for some lechón asado, asopao and frijoles negros.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Spicy Taste Buds

Little has her father's taste buds. 
When offered a choice between plain or spicy chips she always picks the spicy.
Today I purchased Whole Foods pita chips. I meant to get the plain ones and accidentally picked the garlic flavored ones, of course she loved them. 
I don't eat potato chips often, but Daddy is a big fan of Ruffles sour cream and onion; of course those are her favorite. 
Sometimes I try to fool her. I show her the bag with spicy potato chips and give her a piece from the plain potato chips package. Not once have I been able to fool her. 
She knows what she likes and she is not settling for anything else. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Potty Time

We have had potties out and ready out for Little Noodle for about 6 months. They are in the bathrooms and when they first came out, she was very curious about them. She would sit on them, but nothing ever came of it. 
Yesterday it all changed!!!
For over a week, she had been telling me "Peepee, peepee." I always thought she meant she wanted a diaper change. So, I changed her diaper. 
Yesterday, she said it again, "Peepee, peepee". Daddy ran with her to the potty and on the first official try, she did it. She peed in the potty and she even tried to do more, but couldn't. We got very excited, celebrating and signing her a new potty song we invented, but to our surprise she became very shy, almost embarrassed. 
With her head down, she was embarrassed

 As the day progressed, she went peepee in the potty 4 more times and the embarrassment faded into her own celebration. She now gets very excited when she peepees in the potty. 
Our Little Noodle is becoming such a big girl.
An honorable mention goes to Daddy for understanding exactly what she meant, taking her to the potty every time and sitting there with her until she actually accomplished the task (and for also cleaning the mess and the accidents the diaper free day brought).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Day with Nature

We decided today would be a good day to enjoy nature. Little Noodle and Mommy joined Daddy in one of his training walks through the mountains.
It all started with a great up-close encounter with deer. Noodle calls them Bambie and thinks they are adorable. 

 The entire family was part of the adventure, including our doggies B&B. 

Daddy was wearing the backpack he uses for training. It weighs 50lbs and when you add the little person he had to carry some of the time, it is fair to say he really got his workout today.
She enjoyed searching for animals, listening to the birds and looking at the mountains. 
Walking with her hands in her pockets.

 We arrived at the lake. 
 Daddy always tells Noodle about his climbing, so today she put him to the test. She kept asking him to climb this mountain.
 She was the only one that had enough energy to sprint back to the car.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Angelina Ballerina is Here to Stay

Our Little girl loves the cartoon Angelina Ballerina. She loves it so much she asked to dress up as her for Halloween and since then the love affair has just strengthened.

Can you see the resemblance?

Little wears the costume almost every day, but now she has decided that she also wants to wear it to sleep. She won't budged and for the past three nights she has slept as Angelina (ballerina slippers included).  At least she lets us put on the pajama along with the costume.   
Ready for bed 
Good night!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Experimenting with Rice

We have been doing some sensory activities with Little, trying to find. Trying to find something simple and stimulating, I realized there is a notable amount of experimenting (and dirtying) a child can do with a rice tub. 

We had two plastic containers (one filled with rice), a strainer, a cup and a funnel. As you can guess, we also ended up using a broom.

Little loved the sensory experience of playing with the rice. She loved the flow, pour, scoop action as well.

We ended up with rice everywhere (EVERYWHERE!!!!). She did help clean it up, but right after we swept it into a mount on the floor, she would kick it everywhere again and laugh. So I decided I was better off cleaning it on my own.
Our dog did try the rice and did not like it at all. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Card

Elegant Script Scarlet Christmas
To view our unique Christmas card designs, click here.
View the entire collection of cards.

Big Girl Bed

For more than a month Little has been sleeping in her big girl bed. 
 We started by implementing only naps in the bed. Then one night we find her hitting her bedroom door in the middle of the night, she had jumped out of her crib.  
The next time we officially moved her into the bed for good. The first night she woke up in the middle of the night, but we have had no incidents after that. 
 She uses the stool Grandad made for her to climb in and out.

With so many furry friends, sometimes it seems unlikely they will all fit in the bed, but she doesn't want it any other way.

Monday, November 14, 2011

At the Square

We recently went to play at the Square. We had never been there just for play and Little loved it. 

The playground is a train. She had fun sitting in it and going down the slide.

We walked to the fountain where she made a friend. 

Then she discovered the stage and the ballerina inside of her took over. She spent the rest of the afternoon practicing her ballerina moves.

Dancing with Mommy
Triple runs 
The end of the routine