Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Her 1st chore

After our long vacation some of our plants were a bit neglected. Today we decided to work on them and give them some love. 
This is how Little's first chore came to be. 
Focused making sure she doesn't spill the water
What do you do with this?
My hand guiding her on the right way to do it
She figured it out
The first day was a total success (may have been a bit overwatered, but the poor plant needed it). Little will be in charge of keeping this plant alive, she will be her only source of water. 

1 comment:

  1. A very good way for the kids to help out is with cleaning and polishing things. Get her on the counter with a little brush or with a little rag and a piece of silver (cup or plate) and show her how to polish doing round movement with her hand. This will help her with hand coordination - very useful once they start coloring and writing. Also a little brush is a good way to practice and brushing little things that she can hold.
    All This cleaning really helps them to focus and with their coordination.
