Thursday, August 25, 2011

Feeding the Fish

Little always helps me feed the birds at home. 
While in Florida she learned how to feed the fish.
On our way to the Keys we stopped to feed the Tarpon.
Her aunt teaching her what to do

The pelicans were being fed by the boat
But when the pelican's fish ran out, they came for our fish too 
It was very unexpected and scared mommy. Little got to combine feeding fishes and birds all at once.

In the dock off Aunt N's house she fed the fishes every day. Aunt N and cousin D showed her what to do. At first it was a bit stressful because we were fearful that Little would jump into the water.

Then we figured that we needed to establish a rule that she couldn't go to the dock without her lifejacket.

Reading her new dolphin story to the fishes
 By accident she threw a toy to the water. Aunt N jumped into the water to save it and of course this became a highlight for Little. 
Every time Aunt N threw the toy onto the dock, Little would throw it back down.
 Little and cousin B love feeding the fishes together. 

It became "their thing" and every excuse they had to be around the dock was an opportunity to feed them together. 

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