Monday, August 29, 2011


Our first attempt at bowling was not a success 
She did not seem to understand what to do and was much more thrilled holding the little dinosaurs and making sure they were all standing
I'll keep demonstrating what to do, soon she will get it and love it!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cheering at the football game

We supported cousin Ry and went to his football game on Saturday afternoon. 
It was Little's first sporting event and she had a blast!
Ready for the action to begin!
Concentrated on the game

Cheering with a borrowed pom pom 

Good bye Hinckley

This past Saturday we placed Hinckley's ashes in her final resting place.

Hinckley's favorite time of the day was early in the morning, so soon after we were all up, we proceed with a small ceremony. 

Helping Daddy dig
Sharing happy memories of Hinckley

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lunch Date

After all our vacations, we have resumed our lunch dates with Daddy
Practicing her new skill: blowing bubbles threw the straw
Sharing Daddy's lunch
No more high chair for Little

Feeding the Fish

Little always helps me feed the birds at home. 
While in Florida she learned how to feed the fish.
On our way to the Keys we stopped to feed the Tarpon.
Her aunt teaching her what to do

The pelicans were being fed by the boat
But when the pelican's fish ran out, they came for our fish too 
It was very unexpected and scared mommy. Little got to combine feeding fishes and birds all at once.

In the dock off Aunt N's house she fed the fishes every day. Aunt N and cousin D showed her what to do. At first it was a bit stressful because we were fearful that Little would jump into the water.

Then we figured that we needed to establish a rule that she couldn't go to the dock without her lifejacket.

Reading her new dolphin story to the fishes
 By accident she threw a toy to the water. Aunt N jumped into the water to save it and of course this became a highlight for Little. 
Every time Aunt N threw the toy onto the dock, Little would throw it back down.
 Little and cousin B love feeding the fishes together. 

It became "their thing" and every excuse they had to be around the dock was an opportunity to feed them together. 


As I cleaned the kitchen after breakfast Little played around me as she usually does. Today she laid down and next thing I knew she was asleep. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!

Little came back from our Summer vacations with a lot of energy 
and ready to race Daddy

Monday, August 22, 2011

We are back

We have returned from yet another great family vacation.
Little had a blast with The Gs. We spent most of our week long visit at the gorgeous Florida Keys. 
 She loves her cousins and did not want to leave, she cried histerically when it came time to say the final good bye.
I have to sort through our summer photos and post updates on both our vacations, so more images to follow.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

We are heading to the Sunshine State to spend some time with Mommy's sister and her family.
 It will be one fun week and Little is ready to show everyone her newest trick: Daddy taught Little how to scream like a crow. Maybe she will spare the fellow fliers this not-so-pleasant sound.
See you in one week!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

When eating

I am glad we got a high chair
And a chair strap for Little to eat
However, these days this is the only seat she likes to eat.
Not the safest option...
I guess it is time to purchase a booster seat!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


One more thing that was neglected during our long vacation...the herb garden. 

We had to dig it out because the Lemon Balm had taken over all the other plants, guess who was there ready and willing to lend a helping hand?
She took the glove I wasn't using and put her little hand in it

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Her 1st chore

After our long vacation some of our plants were a bit neglected. Today we decided to work on them and give them some love. 
This is how Little's first chore came to be. 
Focused making sure she doesn't spill the water
What do you do with this?
My hand guiding her on the right way to do it
She figured it out
The first day was a total success (may have been a bit overwatered, but the poor plant needed it). Little will be in charge of keeping this plant alive, she will be her only source of water. 

Kitty is Hungry

Little decided to share her breakfast with her beloved Hello Kitty.

 Little was convinced Kitty liked peach (I was only grateful she didn't like pasta with tomato sauce)
 Poor Kitty had to take a bath after it.