Thursday, July 26, 2012

Three Months Already

Our Tashi turned 3 months a few days ago. 

  • Favorite word: Ahhhhh 
  • Favorite song: Daddy's Good Morning Song (Noodle sings it to her every morning) ... "Good Morning Baby Lauren, Boop, Boop, Boop"
  • Favorite food: Mommy's milk ( I can't get enough of it)
  • Favorite trick: Sticking my entire hands in my mouth
  • I smile the biggest when: I see my Mommy and Daddy 
  • Favorite person: Mommy
  • Newest discovery: Her reflection on the mirror
  • Favorite activity: Laying in Mommy's arms
  • Least favorite activity: Sitting in my car seat
  • I cry when: The car stops moving

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