Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cow Appreciation Day

I took my little cows to Chick-Fil-A's cow appreciation day.
When dressed as a cow, the restaurant would feed you for free. 
We all got yummy free meals

My stylish cow with the pink boots

Tashi was the most elegant cow

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Three Months Already

Our Tashi turned 3 months a few days ago. 

  • Favorite word: Ahhhhh 
  • Favorite song: Daddy's Good Morning Song (Noodle sings it to her every morning) ... "Good Morning Baby Lauren, Boop, Boop, Boop"
  • Favorite food: Mommy's milk ( I can't get enough of it)
  • Favorite trick: Sticking my entire hands in my mouth
  • I smile the biggest when: I see my Mommy and Daddy 
  • Favorite person: Mommy
  • Newest discovery: Her reflection on the mirror
  • Favorite activity: Laying in Mommy's arms
  • Least favorite activity: Sitting in my car seat
  • I cry when: The car stops moving

Who is who?

They have their differences, but they sure do look alike.

Both photos were taken on their 3rd month birthday

Friday, July 13, 2012

At Work

Little loves going to work with Daddy. 
We went this past weekend and she got to practice her forklift driving. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Little Helper

Noodle enjoys being Daddy's little helper. 
Washing cars is one of their favorite Saturday morning activities. 

Washing Mommy's car
Last weekend it was so hot, she decided to refresh herself  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


We attended the local cultural arts center's puppet show. 

Noodle was very curious about puppets as she had never seen them live. She had been looking forward to the show.
We got there very early because we wanted to have good seats. 
As we arrived we were surprised to find her little friends there, she was thrilled to sit with Ethan and Jacob. 
First row seats with our friends
 It was a very entertaining experience. 
Tashi slept in my arms the entire time. Noodle sat quietly and watched the entire show. She was eager to talk about it afterwards, everyone she has encountered since has heard about Rumpelsit (as she says it). 
We'll plan on attending next's weeks show, Hansel & Gretel.

Happy Birthday America

We celebrated 4th of July at the lake. 
We began our day with a party at the park. 
Noodle got to pretend drive the fireman's truck, she absolutely loved playing the siren. 
Driving with Daddy
Popsicles were a hit in such heat 
Cheering on the race!

The outside temperature was so hot, we how to find entertainment indoors. 
Noodle clowning around
The boat parade was fun to watch

My favorite
The girls celebrating!

Fireworks at the lake were very entertaining. 
We took the boat out and saw the fireworks from the water along with every other boat on the lake.  
Our neighbors joined us on our boat.