Saturday, March 31, 2012

Still loving Mr. Michael

Noodle still enjoys music class with Mr. Michael, she now loves it even more because she can sing along to the songs. 

Lately she likes enjoying class with one little toy. 
Last week black horsie came along for the class and was actively involved.
Horsie is driving
Horsie is singing
Horsie is dancing under the scarf
Horsie is relaxing at the end of the class

Colors with M&M's

I would love to be one of the Moms that is able to say that there kids are all into health foods, but I have to admit that the best way to get Noodle to tell you the colors correctly is with the help of these little guys.

Normally if you ask her which color is what, she laughs and mocks you by telling you wrong colors, but we know she knows them because when M&M's are involved she ALWAYS gets them right.
Playing the M&M color game with Daddy

Easter Season

The Easter season is upon is and with it come several Easter Egg Hunts. 
Today we attended the first for the year. 

On your mark, get set...
 She keeps saying: "This is so much fun!"

 Excited after a successful hunt! 

 With her friends
 We had an opportunity to visit with some firefighters that attended the event
 and Noodle got to drive the fireman's truck
 Then, all the kiddos behaved during lunch at their favorite place, Chick-Fil-A.
Our first successful Easter egg hunt of the year!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fishing with Daddy

Daddy took Little on her first fishing excursion at the lake. 
With some old bread and a new fishing pole within 15 minutes they had their first fish.
My first fish!
 Excited posing with her little guy, a brim.
 They bated the line again and within minutes they caught another one. 
Little has been so excited about her fishing, she has been sharing her story with anyone that can understand her (it helps to have Mommy around for a little toddler translation).